$7 Billion+ in Industry Revenue*: Education & Child Development are some of the fastest-growing industry sectors in the nation. (franchisehelp.com, 2016)
55 Million Students in grades K-12 were enrolled in schools in the United States in 2014, all of whom are potential clients for educational services.
11 Million Children under the age of 5 spend at least 35 hours/week in childcare, and there is a growing recognition that early childhood education is immensely important and provides lifelong benefits.
The education industry is projected to increase by nearly 40 percent by the end of 2016, and the Stemtree Franchise presents an opportunity be a part of that growth. Our unique perspective on the market place has prepared us to expand at a rapid pace. Our business model is structured to support the industry influx, allowing for new franchisees to start generating quicker returns.
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